Full Name
I confirm being more than 18 years old
I am not 18 years old
How did you hear of Jay Marceau?
What are your social media handles?
Where do you want your tattoo placed? (Ex: leg, arm, etc,.)
Please take a photo of where you want your tattoo to be placed
We need a picture of the body part
Description of your project
Pictures of tattoo you would like to get
Second pic
Third pic
Please included image of existing tattoo if this is project includes a coverup:
Due to high demand, Jay reserve the right to choose specific projects he finds challenging & have an optimal success rate. The realisation of any project is meant to be a pleasant experience between botht the artist and the client
I Agree
Due to larger projects that may include several sessions, Jay usually works in periods of 4 to 8 hours for optimal productivity.
I Agree
You agree to join our waitlist that is approximately 1 year long. We will reach out around 2 months before your estimated appointment scheduling to book an in-person consultation to discuss further the specific scope of work. Once finalized, we will be able to provide you with a specific timelines to complete your project, scheduling date options. A $200 deposit + tax is required and will be applicable towards your final session. Deposits are non-refundable. Scheduled appointment changes require a minimum of 48hrs notice or this depost will be lost. Hourly rate is of $200/hour + tax and payments must be made after each session in correlation with the duration of each appointment.
I accept terms & condition relayed to deposits and hourly rates
Agree & Submit